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Pivot Your Business Successfully During Times of Crisis

When COVID-19 hit and temporarily closed businesses across the country, many leaders were unsure of where to go next. While many were able to re-open doors, many states are being forced to shut down again as cases rise. With such uncertainty of what is around the corner, it is essential to understand how to pivot your business to meet your needs. 

When thinking of how to change your business, it can be hard to know where to start. Luckily, you are not alone. Many businesses have successfully pivoted and have documented their success. Below are three steps that business leaders have utilized in their time of change.

Accept that Pivoting is Essential 

Businesses have to pivot their processes and goals every day, not just in a crisis. According to Small Business Chronicles, “The world is changing every day: the population is changing, customer trends are changing, technology is changing and the economy is changing.” As a leader, you have to accept that change is inevitable and be ready for the changes to come your way, even when we aren’t in a pandemic. After accepting this fact, change will become easier to manage.

Be Okay with Remote Working and Being Online

One of the most important things a business can do is accept and fully embrace the remote work setting. As a leader, you need to understand that your employees are also going through a rough time. From plans being canceled, not seeing loved ones, and having limited access to childcare, many things are changing in their lives. Be flexible in the remote workspace, and show your workers that you care. Embracing the online work environment can increase employee productivity even while at home. 

If it’s possible for your business, now is the perfect time to transfer services to an online setting. Many leaders have wanted to advertise more products online, and now is the ideal time to make the switch. Making your products more readily available can positively impact your business even when your doors are closed.

Don’t Rush

Pivoting can be hard, and pivots often need investment, time, and critical thinking to implement. Talk through your ideas for pivoting your business with people you respect as leaders. Getting advice, taking time, and carefully planning your pivot ideas are essential to successfully rolling out any new business ideas.

There are many important resources that business leaders can utilize right now, including our services. We can connect you with other business leaders who are facing small and large business changes to stay afloat during the pandemic. Visit our website today

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